Disclosure Policy
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1. Basic Policy
QUICK discloses information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other related laws and regulations and the “Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer of Listed Security” (the “Timely Disclosure Rules”) stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, QUICK has a policy of disclosing information not covered by the above laws, regulations and rules if the information will give shareholders, investors and other stakeholders a better understanding of the QUICK Group.
2. Method of Disclosure
In accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules, QUICK uses the TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) to disclose information covered by these rules. The same information is then promptly posted on the QUICK website. This website also includes corporate data, management policies and other subjects about the QUICK Group.
3. Quiet Period
To prevent leaks of financial results and ensure fairness, QUICK observes quiet periods beginning on the day following an account closing date and lasting through the earnings announcement date for each quarter. During this time, QUICK does not respond to questions regarding financial results. Nevertheless, if a major discrepancy between actual and projected results becomes likely during a quiet period, appropriate disclosures will be made under the provisions of the Timely Disclosure Rules.
4. Rejection of Disclosure Request
QUICK exercises care to avoid the selective disclosure of information to a particular individual or entity. Responses during one-on-one interviews and to requests for information contain only information that has been announced, well-known facts, general information about market conditions, and other similar information. In some cases, QUICK will refuse to disclose information for competitive reasons or due to the requirements of a confidentiality agreement.