Business Domains of the QUICK Group

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  2. Corporate Information>
  3. Business Domains of the QUICK Group>
  4. Human Resources Services Business (Temporary staffing, temporary-to-permanent staffing, business contracting, nursery school operations and consulting for nursery school opening and operation)

Human Resources
Services Business
(Temporary staffing, temporary-to- permanent staffing, Business contracting,
Nursery school operations and consulting
for nursery school opening and operation)


WORK PROJECT, Inc./ Quick Care Jobs Co.,Ltd./ Career System CO., LTD.

The temporary staffing business is operated in compliance with the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers.
The QUICK Group uses its websites, Internet ads and other measures to register people who want temporary job assignments. People with the best skills for each client company are then selected. Temporary placement contracts are signed with clients and registered workers sign employment contracts for a specified period.
In addition, the QUICK Group has a temporary-to-permanent staffing service for prospective permanent employees, which generates a job placement fee, and a business contracting service. Both activities can be offered only by companies that are approved to conduct temporary staffing and fee-based job placement businesses.
Nursery school operations and consulting for nursery school opening and operation are another element of human resources services. We operate small nursery schools using the Koguma no Mori brand and use knowledge and expertise gained from this business to provide consulting for setting up preschool child care facilities.
In the Human Resources Services Business (temporary staffing, temporary-to-permanent staffing, business contracting, and nursery school and preschool child care facility operations and consulting), WORK PROJECT, Inc., Quick Care Jobs Co.,Ltd. and Career System CO., LTD. are consolidated subsidiaries.

Temporary Staffing Flowchart

Major QUICK Group Websites

The QUICK Group differentiates its services from those of competitors by providing services in carefully selected market sectors of different regions of Japan. For example, a temporary staffing service for nurses and other health care professionals in the Hokushinetsu area, a child care professional temporary placement service in Osaka and Kobe and a temporary staffing of nurses in the metropolitan area and Kansai area.